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Mission, Vision, and Core Values

Our Mission

Reaching the Mind, the Heart, and the Hands… for Christ!

Proverbs 3:5-7
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.
Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the LORD and depart from evil.

Reaching the Mind through

     a rigorous and diverse academic program focused through the perspective of a Biblical worldview.

Reaching the Heart through

     spiritual nurture with calls to salvation and discipleship including an emphasis on spiritual commitment.

Reaching the Hands through

     promotion of Christian service and testimony with encouragement for mission activities and also an emphasis on Christian citizenship.

Our Vision

  • to provide Christian families in South Jersey with the opportunity for an excellent Christian school education for their children
  • to produce Godly leaders for our future homes, churches, and communities
  • to promote outreach, challenging and enabling our students to reach their families, friends, neighbors, and world for Christ

Our Core Values

  • to hold the Bible as the basis and Christ as the center
  • to strive for Excellence
  • to grow through Service
  • to build Community
  • to meet Individual Needs
  • to support Christian families
  • to act with Integrity
  • to foster Communication

Colossians 3:23-24
And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.

Our Objectives (Expected Student Outcomes)

  1. to encourage the student to confess his/her sins and receive Jesus Christ into his/her heart as Lord and Savior.
  2. to teach that the Bible is the Word of God and to integrate Biblical teaching into all of life. 
  3. to teach the student to grow in his/her relationship to Christ by willingly and joyfully entering into Bible study, prayer, Christian fellowship, and regular church attendance.
  4. to teach the student to witness to others of Jesus and to be concerned for world missions.
  5. to develop a healthy concept of self-worth in relation to God and to others.
  6. to teach the student to do critical thinking and to form opinions which enable him/her to stand up for his/her personal convictions in the face of pressure but yet to get along with others holding a different view. 
  7. to teach the student to manifest fairness, courtesy, kindness, and other Christian graces. 
  8. to teach the student to respect the authority of those whom the Lord has placed over him/her. 
  9. to teach the importance of the Christian family, the student’s role within the family, and the function of the members of the Christian family. 
  10. to teach Christian stewardship of the student’s life, time, body, and money. 
  11. to teach the student to develop and care for the body as the temple of the Holy Spirit. 
  12. to begin to teach the knowledge and skills required for future study or for occupational competence. 
  13. to develop effective communication skills in the student. 
  14. to help develop the creative skills of a student. 
  15. to develop an appreciation of the fine arts. 
  16. to teach the student to apply himself/herself to work to the fullest extent of his/her abilities. 
  17. to teach the student the importance of his/her Christian involvement in the affairs of his/her community, nation, and world.