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Career Resources

God has a plan and purpose for each person.  He has not only gifted believers with a package of spiritual gifts for ministry in the body of Christ, but He has also created each individual with a unique combination of talents and abilities, interests and desires, and experiences and opportunities.  God uses all of these factors in working out His plan and purpose for our life. 

It is the privilege of each believer to exercise wisdom in making life choices to make good use of the all that God has provided to love and serve God and to love and serve others.  The Bible views this privilege and responsibility in terms of stewardship, the role of exercising care and control over that which ultimately belongs to another.  In the effort to be good stewards of God's gifts, and make wise decisions, good information is essential. 

Exploring the sites below can provide substantial and reliable information that can assist the student in making good choices about future opportunities in the community workforce.

Occupational Outlook Handbook

The United States Department of Labor gathers information concerning trends and needs in the modern workforce.  Describing everything from the educational requirements, the nature of the work and salaries available, to the potential for future growth in the field, the Department of Labor provides the Occupational Outlook Handbook.  This is a vital tool to use in exploring the details of various careers.

Career Guide to Industries

Another publication from the Department of Labor is the Career Guide to Industries.  Intended as a companion to the Occupational Outlook Handbook, the Career Guide takes a broader look at career opportunities that can be explored individually in the OOH

Career Interest Surveys

Interest surveys or personality tests can be a helpful tools in thinking about future choices concerning careers.  They may confirm personal observations about yourself, reinforce the comments by others around you about strengths and weaknesses, or even point out possible areas of ability that have been overlooked.  All such tests must be weighed carefully and not taken as definitive. When the test results suggest a career in the medical field, it is not suggesting that the only expectation of fulfillment is in medicine.  Nor does it indicate that a career in a non-medical field will bring disaster.  It is only suggesting that your present experiences and interests are compatible with features in a particular field.  It is always an individual choice how to use the gifts and abilities given by God for His purposes for each individual.  The sites listed below provide links and connections to various tools that may be helpful in exploring the areas of interest to begin thinking about career possibilities.

Internet Career Connection

At Internet Career Connection students will find a wide range of information concerning the job market, both present and future.  It also contains a free interest survey that can assist students in opening a discussion about future plans.

US Military
Many students find the opportunity to serve the United States in the Armed Services a rewarding training ground and career.  Members of the Armed Service can earn college credits and possibly college degrees while serving on active duty.  There are also incentives available to assist students to pay for college after their active duty ends.  The websites listed below allow students to connect to the Selective Service System, the United States Armed Service Recruiting Department, and the New Jersey National Guard website for more information.
Technical School Links

There are many fields that require specific training and qualifying certificates that are not found in a traditional college degree.  Careers in these fields may be just as rewarding as those requiring a student to earn a college degree.  Listed below are links to specific schools in Cumberland County as well as sites providing broader listings of schools in a broader region.  It is important to carefully investigate each school to make certain that what is advertised and promised matches what is actually delivered in the process of education.  Cumberland Christian School does not endorse specific schools but provides information as a service to our school families.

RWM Vocational School Database

This site provides a national listing of vocational school and institutes.  The listing is funded by advertising and the data is reported by the schools. 

New Jersey Career Center
Early Release