Athletic Forms
Athletics Physical Form
This form is to be completed by a licensed physician and MUST be turned in prior to the FIRST practice of the season. The physical is valid for the entire school year.
NOTE: Each student whose physical examination was completed more than 90 days prior to the first day of official practice shall provide a health history update questionnaire completed and signed by the student's parent or guardian.
Athletics Participation Form
This form must be completed and signed by the parents and the student and must be turned in (with the physical) prior to the first practice of the season. This form covers the entire school year. Note: this form has two pages which require signatures.
Concussion Protocol Form
The second page of this form must be completed by the student-athlete and his/her parent/guardian and must be turned in prior to the first practice of the season. This form DOES NOT cover the entire school year and must be resubmitted prior to beginning each new sport season.
Use and Misuse of Opioid Drugs Fact Sheet
The sign-off form on page 3 of this document must be completed by both the student athlete and his/her parent/guardian and turned in prior to the first official practice of the season.
Sponsor-a-Sign form
This form is for friends of CCS Athletics who wish to purchase a sponsorship banner for display at CCS athletic events.