For advance ordering, we will be serving Pizza Hut on Mondays and Wednesdays, Chick-fil-A on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and Panda Express on Fridays. We will also be selling snacks during middle and high school lunch.
To provide Pizza Hut enough time to prepare our school’s lunches, we need to send in our Pizza Hut orders a minimum of 24 hours in advance. This means that you must place your child’s order by 12 p.m. the day before the Pizza Hut lunch days to ensure he/she will receive his/her lunch. The menu will be opened on a two week schedule so you can always order for the week ahead. Panda Express also required advanced notice so lunch orders for Friday's Panda Express will close at 1:30 p.m. on Thursdays.
This year, there is new pricing this year from the vendors. The new lunch prices are available in the Lunch Calendar in FACT SIS.
If your child is absent, but you have already ordered their lunch, we are unable to credit their lunch at this time. We did try to do this last year but it could not be done in the system and was difficult. We are trying to find a way to do this through the system but for now it is not available.
To order, first, sign into FACTS SIS. On the left side there is a tab labeled “Student”; click the drop-down and then click “Lunch.” You should see your child’s name with a drop-down option, a “Create Web Order” button, and the current week’s dates. Click “Create Web Order,” then your student’s name. Once you see all the week’s items, you can choose the quantity you’d like for each student. When you are finished, click “submit order.” A page will pop up asking how you would like to pay for the items; choose your form of payment and click “submit” once. Sometimes it takes a moment to load, so be sure you only submit the payment once.
Becky Lein
Lunch Coordinator
856-696-1600 ext. 321

How to Order Lunch Online
- Click on “Student Information”
- Scroll down to “Lunch”
- Put in correct week for which you wish to order
- Click Create web order
- Click on the student for whom you are ordering
- After you submit and pay for your order, wait for a confirmation message to pop up